Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Right Environment For Your Jersey Wooly Rabbits

Make sure your rabbit’s cage is big enough so that he can freely move around. The recommended size is a minimum of five to six times the size of your Jersey Wooly rabbit. Of course, the bigger the better. Layer the bottom with cardboard or another type of padding to protect your pet Jersey Wooly rabbit’s feet. Each day let your rabbit out of the cage for a couple of hours so that the proper exercise is received.

To protect your Jersey Wooly rabbit from injury or illness your rabbit should have an annual veterinarian checkup. Your rabbit’s ears, eyes, and teeth will be checked and it will be checked for scratches and irritations. There are also vaccinations for rabbits, including Viral Haemorhagic and Myxomatosis vaccinations, both of which can be deadly.Jersey Wooly Rabbits can also pick up fleas, lice, mites, and other parasites, so you will want to treat regularly with the correct product. Talk to your vet about the right treatments for your rabbit.

Check out this AMAZING resource! Click here for all the info you will ever need to raise your Beautiful Bunny!

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