Friday, August 12, 2011

Mmmmmm Papaya!

Your Jersey Wooly rabbit's diet should include quality hay and/or orchid grass. You should also feed commercial pellets, because they are well balanced. Papaya has an enzyme that helps to prevent wool block, so it’s a good addition to the diet. Make sure your Jersey Wooly is getting a well balanced diet that includes some or all of the following fresh fruits and vegetables.

·         Cilantro

·         Romaine Lettuce

·         Collard Greens

·         Melons

·         Peaches

·         Parsley

·         Plums

·         Pears

·         Papaya

·         Blueberries

·         Strawberries

Your rabbit requires fresh water every day and should always have access to that water. Feed untreated willow wood as a chew treat for your Jersey Wooly rabbit untreated willow wood as a chew treat. He will love it! Click Here to find all you need for your Jersey Wooly

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